The AFCEA Las Vegas Chapter President, and the AFCEA Las Vegas Chapter Board, invite you to participate
in the 2nd Annual Cyber Awareness & IT Days at the Nevada National Security (NNSS) Mercury Site and the NNSS Nevada Field Office (NFO). The events are being co-hosted once again by the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) - Nevada National Security Site (NNSS).
On Day One, Wednesday, October 11, 2023 the event will take place at the NSF - Great Basin Conference Rooms - North Las Vegas Nevada Field Office (NFO). Day Two, Thursday October 12, 2023 will take place at the Steakhouse and the backside of the Mercury Cafeteria (Building 300), NNSS Mercury Site.
About the NNSA/NNSS/DOE Nevada Sites
The NNSS’s Nevada Field Office (NFO) is responsible for operating and maintaining the 1,370-square-mile Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) and other facilities across the United States that accomplish NNSA’s missions in stockpile stewardship, nuclear nonproliferation, counterterrorism, treaty verification, nuclear test readiness, national and international emergency response, environmental management, and science and technology development. The NNSS supports high-hazard operations, testing, training, diagnostics and instrumentation, data analysis, and materials storage; conducts criticality experiments; provides research test beds for nuclear nonproliferation and counterterrorism activities; and facilitates low-level radioactive waste material disposition. This complex employs approximately 3,000 people and has a budget of over $900 million. The complex also executes a significant Strategic Partnership Program mission, supporting such initiatives as threat reduction, first responder training, and sensor development
Speaking Opportunities
We are currently accepting speaker submissions and abstracts. Please include the following information:
Speaker Name and Title
Company Name /Command/Organization
Session Title
An Abstract or Short Description of Your Session
You must Sponsor or Exhibit to Speak
All Topics will be considered except Product-centric submissions
Speaker Session will be 30-minutes (including Q & A).
Please send your proposal to (click here)
About AFCEA – Las Vegas Chapter
AFCEA is a professional association that connects people, ideas, and solutions globally.
We do that by developing networking and educational opportunities and providing them in an ethical forum. This enables the military, government, industry, and academia to align technology and strategy to meet the needs of those who serve. The AFCEA Las Vegas Chapter serves the intelligence and IT communities in the greater Las Vegas area to include Nellis AFB, Creech AFB, the Nevada Test, and Training Range, local contractors, and businesses. The chapter focuses on education for Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Intelligence.
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